Writer and broadcaster

Conversations with Annalisa Barbieri

Launching on 20th May 2021 is my first series of podcasts. The idea for these came about quite a few years ago; every time I got off the phone to my experts, be it for my advice column in The Guardian or a feature I was writing, I’d be all excited about everything I’d learnt. But then, so much of what I’d learnt had to go on the metaphorical cutting room floor.

These podcasts were a way to be able to bring more – I think – fascinating information to readers and listeners.

The conversations are specially recorded for the podcasts. We don’t discuss people’s problems, but subjects that interest me and I hope will interest you. The first one is The Art of Listening, with me talking to veteran psychotherapist, Chris Mills. But for now, here’s the trailer.

Do please subscribe and listen – it’s the only way I can ensure to make more of these.

Subjects coming up are: How to live harmoniously with teens; What to expect when someone dies (not as grim as it sounds!); Is my relationship over or is it just a blip? The sibling relationship and How trauma affects every day life.

Available wherever you get your podcast, but here’s a link to the iTunes store:
